In 2015, Joe and his wife Sarah and had a son named Anthony, who developed Triomy18. It prevented some of his organs from fully developing and caused him to pass away shortly after his birth. Joe and Sarah wanted to honor their son, so with the love and support from many of family & friends they started a garden at their church, St. Joan of Arc, in Powell, OH in his name. At that time, they didn’t realize the impact the garden would have on them or those around us.
Since 2016 Anthony’s Garden has donated over 3,500 lbs. of vegetables & herbs to a nearby food pantry, but the garden has been able to help people in many other ways. It’s created opportunities for community service, helped people learn how to garden, and become a place for people and their families to pray and spend quality time together.
Seeing the effects that the garden has had our goal is to give back so that we can create more gardens in churches or in the communities we serve. If you’re interested in learning more about Anthony’s Garden or helping us grow this mission, please contact us.
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